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Area 15 have had much success in the Young Judges competition run by the BSPS. 

In order to ensure we are sufficiently prepared for next years competition, we are asking anyone who is eligible and interested in taking part for 2025, to contact Chris Yates on 07974967262.


Members will be offered training and support, where you will have the opportunity of participating in yard visits during which you will see a varied selection of ponies to learn about confirmation, type and way of going.  This is an enjoyable and informative experience, and whilst no previous experience is required, you will need to commit to attending the yard visits as well as additional revision to ensure you know the BSPS rules.  All information and support is provided and we are very fortunate to have an Area with many experienced producers, judges and committee members willing to share their knowledge and time with our Young Judges.  Please do make the most of this wonderful opportunity which will also increase your own personal knowledge and is a great way of getting to know fellow members in your Area.





Teams and Individuals will be assessed by BSPS Panel Judges.

Open to one team per Area except for Scotland, Wales and Ireland who may enter two teams.  The competition is held on the first day of the BSPS Champs (Tuesday) and you will need to be available for judging for the majority of the day.  The results takes place in the Evening Performance. 




 A Team to consist of 3 members. Members must have attained their 14th birthday but not their 21st birthday before 1st January in the current year.



Candidates must have attained their 18th but not their 24th birthday

before the 1st January in the current year. The competitions will be run simultaneously.


ENTRIES: All candidates must be members of the Area they represent and entries MUST be made

through the Area Committees. Entries to be sent to Head Office.




The Competition to be Judged as a Ridden Showing Class using the Marks System.

Candidates will be required to answer questions on the placing of the ponies, way of going,

conformation and Rules and regulations whilst judging.




Rosettes to all competitors

The Winning Team and Individuals will receive individual medals and a Trophy

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Our 2024 Young Judges Team consisted of Claudia Spurr (Team Captain), Amelia Spurr & Tia Burt who came 2nd in the Team Competition and also won the Best Dressed Team Award. 


Our Individual Judges were Emmy Parkhouse who came 6th & Abigail Lane, who was just outside the placings.  â€‹


Pictured above at the BSPS Champs 2024 with our

Area Chairman, Mr Chris Yates.

2023 was a hugely successful  year for our Young Judges with our Teams winning and coming 3rd (on joint marks with 2nd place) as well as our Individual Young Judge, Abigail, who was only just outside the placings.


Area 15 Young Judges pictured above at the BSPS Champs 2023

with our Area Chairman, Mr Chris Yates.

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